Your Firm In The News

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SEO Public Relations News

Your Firm in the News, is it time to think about Public Relations?

How about getting your firm in the news? New York PR Firm? Hmmm, what kind of PR Firm is what you should be asking yourself right about now because there are many PR Firm's in New York City that still don't get it when it comes to reaching today's mass market. In fact you could say that if someone is into anthropology then a great dig site for them would be right here in New York's Public Relation alleyways where you still see PR Firms using clip books as a measure of their impact and the success of your company's marketing efforts.

New ways companies are embracing their PR in New York

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Search Marketing and Public Relations are now one and the same and whoever doesn't get that doesn't get the whole picture at all. And let me us be clear at this juncture by illustrating that we are including Social Media under the overall Search Marketing umbrella because it is one of the many facets of what is now called: 'Search Engine Marketing'! There are an incredible amount of new ways to get the news out about a product or service today and to simply think about public relations as something that is relegated to the social portals is to think that having only one mega store constitutes a chain of stores!

Breaking down the many avenues available to get your company in the news today!

Yes, we can optimize your press release for distribution but it really shouldn't top there. As a matter of fact, press release optimization should be considered search marketing PR 101 and let's move on to social media where we can leverage Twitter and Facebook to start the charge.

Facebook & Twitter & PR in New York

Your audience is out there on Facebook and Twitter looking for bits and pieces and ready to hear the official word of your newest update to a product or service and nothing could be more cost effective than delivering to a free base of users waiting on any piece of information you care to push out!

**** One serious word of caution here: Facebook and Twitter can be leveraged in a court case because anything you have every put into either one of these can be brought to bare agains you in a court of law!****

So yes, we use social media portals to lead the charge but we use them very carefully because at all times we must have Reputation Management of the company's brand in mind. And our social media guru touts the correct way to launch into your social media charge is with the focus of a needle which will mitigate the news waves with the least collateral damage!

Search Engine Optimization and Public Relations in New York

And let's not forget that press releases are only momentary and what you need when really creating longevity with press releases is continued visibility of those press releases and getting them to show up naturally in the SERPS (search engine results pages) and search engine optimization is the perfect way to do that. Let's never forget that the object of brand marketing is to turn the brand into a house hold name and nothing does that like repetition and saturation and nothing makes those two things happen like having a company's news show up all over the search engines via natural search and it stays there a lot longer than when you use Pay Per Click in NY to keep up your visibility!