Our HTML Optimization Rocks in NY!

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Our HTML coding is the very latest in style.

We use many disciplines to accomplish a very cleanly coded site. The cleaner your site is coded, the easier it is for the page to load and for the search engines to get to your precious content. After all, why would you let any little bit of your site get in the way of your marketing success, and, to that end, shouldn’t you make sure that each and every little bit of your site is a good as it can be?

We often find ourselves in the scenario of hearing “We have already built our site and it is in this enterprise level store application”. Until recently this would send shivers down our spines but not now. Our engineers have created what we feel will soon be a legendary accomplishment in the area of HTML templates. You see, we simply take the existing template complete with all of its unruly JavaScript and its unnecessary use of CSS right in the coding of the page and port it over to our templates which then gets re-inserted into your store application and voila: a perfectly optimized HTML page.

We use the latest in efficient HTML coding techniques!

What does this mean to you? It means that in the three seconds it takes for a new visitor to evaluate whether or not a particular page is for them, two of those seconds won’t be wasted for an unnecessarily slow loading page. And we can all see the gains in conversions possible from this scenario!
We Optimize the HTML of your site.

Let’s take a moment to discuss what we mean when we say this. First, we would like to point out that we are a 100% “White Hat” SEO firm. We are not here to use “Black Hat” techniques. There is really no reason to use illegal techniques to optimize your site when it is so much easier to simply make your site better, and by better we mean in terms of the overall site, from coding to the most important element: content!

When we re-engineer the coding of a site, usually we are converting it from an antiquated table-based layout that is not necessarily ideal for SEO and hence we need to convert it into a much more advanced version of HTML, namely CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), and not just in the basic sense of a unruly float system. The CSS float system is almost as antiquated as table-based HTML layouts in as much as they take the browser through trials and tribulations as it tries to load your page quickly.

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